Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Yesterday's Oprah

I love Oprah. I should start right there because I am sure people out there would like to be informed before they read any further. She is awesome. I don't know why I love her, I just do. I guess that makes somewhat of a cliche. Married, domestic goddess, two point five kids and a hub and I sit down with laundry two to three times a week to watch Oprah. We affectionately call her Okra around here because when the oldest was youngest she called her that. We love okra, too.

So yesterday she has on these women that have made a huge turnaround in their frumpy lives. These women were incredible looking. They must work out daily for hours. As if. If looking like them means I would have to work out (shiver) an hour and a half a day then no way, hosea. I mean, Oprah looks great.....but even I know she has a fleet of staff to do her whole self up every day. I guess I'm trying to say that although I'm a little plump, I'm not a frump. And I think I'm as happy as the women she featured.

So women of the world who don't enjoy or do the excessive exercise thing, UNITE!

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