I really have never understood talk shows that exploit the sins of the masses. They bring on some woman who wants to tell her boyfriend (in front of millions, at the very least thousands) that she is cheating. Is it the money? Is it the need for fame?
I wonder, though, how much this blog of mine is similar. I confess to secretly desiring fame. I would love to be popular. How different is this outlet, I wonder, than going on television to talk of my sins? I am confessing sins and flinging them out into the abyss that is the internet.
Lately, I have not come here. My own life has been far too busy. Now that I return I am somewhat embarassed at the content on these pages. It's such a vunerable thing, I've done. I'd rather strangers read it than my own family and friends. The reason why is so very telling. I would have to get up and face them every day. Would they be thinking of my recent bout with pride? Would they hold any of this against me in some secret prejudice?
I guess that speaks to my enormous insecurity. I want to be well-liked. I want to be at peace with people. I don't want to bring any negative attention to myself. Still, I can not reason away that God would like me to share my journey with you. Whoever you are. And most likely if you are reading this....you know me personally, because it's pretty difficult to just stumble upon these pages.
So read on, and perhaps in the new year I'll post more often. At the very least I hope my words do not wound anyone beyond repair. At the very most I hope that they stir a remembrance of why we are here. It is all about God, you know.
John 1:3,4
All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Friday, October 07, 2005
I was just finishing up a session on the web with Beth Moore. I am currently working on her bible study Believing God. I had an "aha!" moment, one I can not deny. Let me start at the beginning.....
About four years ago, I thought that I was called to do a ministry of Teen Mops. Mops is a group for mothers of young children. I sent off for the necessary materials, I read the information, I went to my local churches and asked for money and volunteers to work on this with me. I was so excited. It failed miserably. There was no one to come. Nothing came of it. I was so deeply embarrassed. I asked God over and over again, "Why?". I thought that He told me to start this program. I began to doubt that I had ever heard His voice.
Fast forward, friends. This program failed because the Lord wanted to sift out my pride. He wanted me to let go of it. I was so excited to be up front, a leader, the voice of God. I was so wrong. Even when I started this blog, it was for the personal accolades that I could accumulate for myself. They are like salve on the wound of insecurity. I have been so wrong.
Thank you, God, for finally leading me to an answer! Thank you for humbling me. I don't ever want to commit the sin of pride again. If I do, please remind me to stop it! May all of the things I do be for Your glory and not my own.
Ps. 32:3
When I kept silent, my bones grew old
Through my groaning all the day long.
For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me;
My vitality was turned into the drought of summer.
I acknowledged my sin to You,
And my iniquity I have not hidden.
I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,"
And You forgave the iniquity of my sin.
About four years ago, I thought that I was called to do a ministry of Teen Mops. Mops is a group for mothers of young children. I sent off for the necessary materials, I read the information, I went to my local churches and asked for money and volunteers to work on this with me. I was so excited. It failed miserably. There was no one to come. Nothing came of it. I was so deeply embarrassed. I asked God over and over again, "Why?". I thought that He told me to start this program. I began to doubt that I had ever heard His voice.
Fast forward, friends. This program failed because the Lord wanted to sift out my pride. He wanted me to let go of it. I was so excited to be up front, a leader, the voice of God. I was so wrong. Even when I started this blog, it was for the personal accolades that I could accumulate for myself. They are like salve on the wound of insecurity. I have been so wrong.
Thank you, God, for finally leading me to an answer! Thank you for humbling me. I don't ever want to commit the sin of pride again. If I do, please remind me to stop it! May all of the things I do be for Your glory and not my own.
Ps. 32:3
When I kept silent, my bones grew old
Through my groaning all the day long.
For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me;
My vitality was turned into the drought of summer.
I acknowledged my sin to You,
And my iniquity I have not hidden.
I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,"
And You forgave the iniquity of my sin.
Saturday, March 26, 2005
The day before Easter here. Kids are excited about egg hunts and candy and stuffed bunnies. Many of us are busy getting Sunday finery together. Where is Jesus? Did you forget this is the HOLIEST of days as a Christian?
It's easy to do. Gasp! That's an awful thing to say. So many times we get caught up in the preparations surrounding an event that we forget the most important aspect of it. Oh, Lord Jesus, that we would not forget what today means.
John 19:28-30
Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty" A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus' lips. When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished" With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
Jesus died, for you and for me. Praise God it doesn't end there. He rose for us as well!
It's easy to do. Gasp! That's an awful thing to say. So many times we get caught up in the preparations surrounding an event that we forget the most important aspect of it. Oh, Lord Jesus, that we would not forget what today means.
John 19:28-30
Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, "I am thirsty" A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus' lips. When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished" With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
Jesus died, for you and for me. Praise God it doesn't end there. He rose for us as well!
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
James 3:5, 6
Lifewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
Boy did this one hit home. My whole life I have struggled with my mouth and the stuff that flies out of it. If only there were some connector in my brain that would yell, stop!
Of course, there is such a thing in my brain. The Holy Spirit is my guide and I need to give Him control of my tongue and thoughts. For some reason, it has not occurred to me (before recently) that I can give him control over my mouth. I surely need some help in this department. Today, I said no less than three things to three different people that were completely inappropriate and rude. Thoughtless. Heartless. I feel about three inches tall after something like that. I beg to gobble those words back up. That's the worst thing. I can't take it back. It's already out there. I just prayed to God that the person I said it to wouldn't hold it against me. I asked forgiveness of the person to whom I misspoke. I plead with the Spirit to have full control over my mind and mouth. I sure hope He perfects me in love soon.
Lifewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
Boy did this one hit home. My whole life I have struggled with my mouth and the stuff that flies out of it. If only there were some connector in my brain that would yell, stop!
Of course, there is such a thing in my brain. The Holy Spirit is my guide and I need to give Him control of my tongue and thoughts. For some reason, it has not occurred to me (before recently) that I can give him control over my mouth. I surely need some help in this department. Today, I said no less than three things to three different people that were completely inappropriate and rude. Thoughtless. Heartless. I feel about three inches tall after something like that. I beg to gobble those words back up. That's the worst thing. I can't take it back. It's already out there. I just prayed to God that the person I said it to wouldn't hold it against me. I asked forgiveness of the person to whom I misspoke. I plead with the Spirit to have full control over my mind and mouth. I sure hope He perfects me in love soon.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
An answer to prayer
I am amazed by the strength that a friend of mine shows me. Her son, B. has been diagnosed with brain tumors. He has fought a battle with them for over three years now. His mother has been told that he has a 1% chance of survival. Can you imagine facing that?
She came over today and I showed her the room where I do scrapbooking and crafts. She asked if we could do this together. Of course, I replied, just leave your stuff here because I know you don't have a lot of space. She began to weep and I said, what? "Don't take this the wrong way, but that is such an answer to prayer, because I want to do Brandon's albums now, I don't want to have to do them after he's gone. " she said.
Well, of course not. I understand that. But get this, she's an answer to my prayers.
I have been telling people since this craft room was completed that they could leave their stuff in ir and just come over whenever to work. No one has taken me up on it. I have been praying for more friends recently. It seems to me that I can never have too many friends. And just when you think you have enough, someone moves or their life speeds up and they're too busy, etc. Yep, she is an answer to a prayer for more friends. I feel abundantly blessed to have a friend that has so much character. You know, integrity, faithfulness, truthfulness, all the good traits.
Thank you, Jesus.
Psalm 103:1, 5
Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.....who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.
She came over today and I showed her the room where I do scrapbooking and crafts. She asked if we could do this together. Of course, I replied, just leave your stuff here because I know you don't have a lot of space. She began to weep and I said, what? "Don't take this the wrong way, but that is such an answer to prayer, because I want to do Brandon's albums now, I don't want to have to do them after he's gone. " she said.
Well, of course not. I understand that. But get this, she's an answer to my prayers.
I have been telling people since this craft room was completed that they could leave their stuff in ir and just come over whenever to work. No one has taken me up on it. I have been praying for more friends recently. It seems to me that I can never have too many friends. And just when you think you have enough, someone moves or their life speeds up and they're too busy, etc. Yep, she is an answer to a prayer for more friends. I feel abundantly blessed to have a friend that has so much character. You know, integrity, faithfulness, truthfulness, all the good traits.
Thank you, Jesus.
Psalm 103:1, 5
Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.....who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Trust a must
As I waved off the fisherman this morning on a business trip, I cried. I cried not because he was leaving (it's only 3 days). I cried because I had no control over the airplane he was about to get on. I don't have any control over the drivers of taxis. I don't have any control over the weather. This is why I cried. Instead of getting myself worked up about it, I prayed. O.K., I still got worked up about it, but I prayed. I approached God's throne like the child that I am. Tears pouring down my face, I poured out the sincere fears of my mind and soul. I said aloud that I knew whatever happened-God was in control and had our best interest at heart. God comforted me. I can't really say how. Just a quieting of my thoughts, an ebbing of my tears and a blanket of help over my whole body. Thanks, Father, for that.
Psalm 91
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart......
read the rest.
Psalm 91
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart......
read the rest.
Thursday, March 10, 2005
I'm not into bondage
Song of Songs 2:7
Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.
Oh, but had I listened to these words so long ago! Many years have passed since I should have heeded those words. The Lord led me to this scripture this morning. Perhaps in the hope that I could tell some of you out there in blogland to listen. If any good can come out of my fall, I pray it will.
As a young woman I was in too big a hurry to wait. I rushed headlong into the world of sex. Before that even, when I was younger, I was always so curious about it all. I wish now that I had stuck to the things of youth. There was so much clean fun to be had. The danger of my haste was not only in the constant fear of pregnancy or STDS. The memories would haunt me for so long. They followed me into my marriage with this fisherman. Satan would not let me forget my fall.
It wasn't until a bible study called Breaking Free that I was able to get loose from the bondage of the enemy. God released me to a freedom in my thought life I hadn't known. For a woman especially, your body is so connected to your mind. I hope my sharing this part of my life will spare some of you years of guilt and suffering.
If you have already fallen, put your knees down on the floor and ask God for help. Guard your hearts in Him against the evil one. Just because you have already sinned, don't continue in it. That was my thought, "well, I'm not a virgin anymore so what does it matter?". It matters because the longer you sin, the deeper the wedge between you and God can seem. It made me feel so unworthy to communicate with Him. This was another lie I believed that kept me from making a break with sin.
If you haven't sinned, pray that God would shelter you from this temptation. Be smart about relationships with the opposite sex. Don't be alone with someone you know you shouldn't be alone with. In all things, pray. And if you feel the temptation is too great, marry before you sin (I Cor 7:2-5).
I realize this is pretty heavy, today. For some reason, my heart was burdened to share it. I know I'm no expert on this subject. Seek out a trusted pastor or counselor and remember not to go alone. I've been mindful not to be alone with any man of God. We are all tempted. In hearing of your temptation the evil one could so tempt a man of God to lead you into further sin. I say this only as a precaution. It has never been in my experience. I also mean no disrespect to any ministers.
I pray for the young girls and boys of our holy congregation to be sheltered from this sin. God have His protective hand over their bodies and minds in Christ Jesus. Holy Spirit speak to their hearts to guide them from any trouble. Parents, be open to speak with your children about their bodies and feelings. I pray this for the whole world of believers in Christ.
Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.
Oh, but had I listened to these words so long ago! Many years have passed since I should have heeded those words. The Lord led me to this scripture this morning. Perhaps in the hope that I could tell some of you out there in blogland to listen. If any good can come out of my fall, I pray it will.
As a young woman I was in too big a hurry to wait. I rushed headlong into the world of sex. Before that even, when I was younger, I was always so curious about it all. I wish now that I had stuck to the things of youth. There was so much clean fun to be had. The danger of my haste was not only in the constant fear of pregnancy or STDS. The memories would haunt me for so long. They followed me into my marriage with this fisherman. Satan would not let me forget my fall.
It wasn't until a bible study called Breaking Free that I was able to get loose from the bondage of the enemy. God released me to a freedom in my thought life I hadn't known. For a woman especially, your body is so connected to your mind. I hope my sharing this part of my life will spare some of you years of guilt and suffering.
If you have already fallen, put your knees down on the floor and ask God for help. Guard your hearts in Him against the evil one. Just because you have already sinned, don't continue in it. That was my thought, "well, I'm not a virgin anymore so what does it matter?". It matters because the longer you sin, the deeper the wedge between you and God can seem. It made me feel so unworthy to communicate with Him. This was another lie I believed that kept me from making a break with sin.
If you haven't sinned, pray that God would shelter you from this temptation. Be smart about relationships with the opposite sex. Don't be alone with someone you know you shouldn't be alone with. In all things, pray. And if you feel the temptation is too great, marry before you sin (I Cor 7:2-5).
I realize this is pretty heavy, today. For some reason, my heart was burdened to share it. I know I'm no expert on this subject. Seek out a trusted pastor or counselor and remember not to go alone. I've been mindful not to be alone with any man of God. We are all tempted. In hearing of your temptation the evil one could so tempt a man of God to lead you into further sin. I say this only as a precaution. It has never been in my experience. I also mean no disrespect to any ministers.
I pray for the young girls and boys of our holy congregation to be sheltered from this sin. God have His protective hand over their bodies and minds in Christ Jesus. Holy Spirit speak to their hearts to guide them from any trouble. Parents, be open to speak with your children about their bodies and feelings. I pray this for the whole world of believers in Christ.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
The World Over
I am truly inspired today. Now this may seem a small thing but I got excited because I saw a Malaysian woman's website and her witness about God. It was inspiring to know that the whole world is full of people who recognize Jesus is the Savior and the Son of God. Maybe that should have been obvious to me, but truly, I just never really considered it too much. Seeing the physical evidence of another person's words and pictures on the other side of the earth just awes me.
Revelations 7:9
After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.
Let us wave our palm branches high for the Lord Jesus.
Revelations 7:9
After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.
Let us wave our palm branches high for the Lord Jesus.
Monday, March 07, 2005
Divine Invitations don't come gift wrapped
Don't you just love it when God sends you a divine invitation and you take Him up on it? This morning, I'm just doing the dishes....when a thought pops in my mind about a friend that is really lonely right now. Her life has changed rapidly in the last few years and she really hasn't cultivated any new lasting relationships with people to just be with. I was lamenting the fact that I hadn't invited her to a bible study we're doing at church (because we're already a month into it). God nudged me to invite myself over (bringing lunch) to her house. I called and then I thought about the study again. I started telling her about it. She said she started the exact same study but had to quit when her mother became ill. She finished the first five weeks. Now friends, isn't that God's timing? She may join me at this study now. Who knows, she might meet someone who will be a great friend to her. I just love it when God does something like that. I am excited to see how it turns out. I'm praying that she will be willing to step out of her comfort zone and meet some new people.
I want to encourage you today to listen to that little voice that tells you to call someone, write them a note or stop by their house. It could be a divine invitation from the Holy Spirit to transform a life, maybe even yours. It's not always a thunder bolt. Sometimes it's just a thought or feeling that you SHOULD do something. So often we continue about our business, rather than to listen to that small, still voice that beckons us.
2 Corinthians 4:18
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
May we see with our hearts, today.
I want to encourage you today to listen to that little voice that tells you to call someone, write them a note or stop by their house. It could be a divine invitation from the Holy Spirit to transform a life, maybe even yours. It's not always a thunder bolt. Sometimes it's just a thought or feeling that you SHOULD do something. So often we continue about our business, rather than to listen to that small, still voice that beckons us.
2 Corinthians 4:18
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
May we see with our hearts, today.
Saturday, March 05, 2005
The little things
"For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." Galations 5:6
Recently I got into a heated debate about circumcision on a blog. I am a bit ashamed to admit now how riled up I got about the whole subject. The Lord led me to this scripture this morning. Amazing how good His timing is. Any sooner and I would not have been able to receive this information. I see now how pointless the whole situation was. "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.". Our belief in the kingdom of God and its truths, and our acting accordingly is what truly matters. This is really freeing, people. This is freedom from the law.
I'm not above the law. I'm released from a strict adherence to the old law because of Jesus. I'm not talking about ten commandment stuff, either. I'm talking about kosher or not, holy sabbath being kept or gentile or jew. Jesus freed us from the strict old codes that keep us bound. Don't talk to strangers. Don't marry a person of a different race. Don't wear jeans to church. Yeah, these things bind us as well. Think about some of those in your own life.
"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love."
So get out there and express it. I can't wait!
Recently I got into a heated debate about circumcision on a blog. I am a bit ashamed to admit now how riled up I got about the whole subject. The Lord led me to this scripture this morning. Amazing how good His timing is. Any sooner and I would not have been able to receive this information. I see now how pointless the whole situation was. "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.". Our belief in the kingdom of God and its truths, and our acting accordingly is what truly matters. This is really freeing, people. This is freedom from the law.
I'm not above the law. I'm released from a strict adherence to the old law because of Jesus. I'm not talking about ten commandment stuff, either. I'm talking about kosher or not, holy sabbath being kept or gentile or jew. Jesus freed us from the strict old codes that keep us bound. Don't talk to strangers. Don't marry a person of a different race. Don't wear jeans to church. Yeah, these things bind us as well. Think about some of those in your own life.
"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love."
So get out there and express it. I can't wait!
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Take a new tack
I came to a big realization today. My blog could be about something radically different. My blog could be more personal without endangering anyone. My blog could be about my walk with God. I thought about erasing all former posts and starting from scratch, but then a reader wouldn't see the change that has taken place in my mind and heart. So, I'm just going to leave all those other posts and begin again. Take a different tack.
I've been a Christian most all of my life. I thank God that my parents are Christians and raised me in the church and on the Word of God. From the time I was three years old, I can remember singing in the church. It's a major part of my identity. There is a family of God to which I have belonged for a very long time. This does not mean that I was/am perfect. Oh, I have strayed. I have walked a perilous path, even after knowing the truth of God's love and forgiveness for me. I have walked in darkness of my own making.
My path to here, most recently, began with a dissatisfaction I have felt in reading others' blogs. It's not enough to comment on their pages. I have always been someone with something to say. But not only that, the content of these blogs is lacking is something big. The Creator is missing. Their topics are so small when compared to the subject of the Almighty. So I embark, hoping to draw in others to contemplate how great the Lord is. Hoping to satisfy within my soul a longing for something more. A loneliness for God's people. A sense of purpose that needs fulfilling. Is there anything better than being next to God? Why do I stray when it is so good to be in the shadow of His purpose?
That may be enough to contemplate for the day.
Is there anything better than being next to God?
Why do I stray when it is so good to be in the shadow of His purpose?
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you......
read the rest for yourselves.
I've been a Christian most all of my life. I thank God that my parents are Christians and raised me in the church and on the Word of God. From the time I was three years old, I can remember singing in the church. It's a major part of my identity. There is a family of God to which I have belonged for a very long time. This does not mean that I was/am perfect. Oh, I have strayed. I have walked a perilous path, even after knowing the truth of God's love and forgiveness for me. I have walked in darkness of my own making.
My path to here, most recently, began with a dissatisfaction I have felt in reading others' blogs. It's not enough to comment on their pages. I have always been someone with something to say. But not only that, the content of these blogs is lacking is something big. The Creator is missing. Their topics are so small when compared to the subject of the Almighty. So I embark, hoping to draw in others to contemplate how great the Lord is. Hoping to satisfy within my soul a longing for something more. A loneliness for God's people. A sense of purpose that needs fulfilling. Is there anything better than being next to God? Why do I stray when it is so good to be in the shadow of His purpose?
That may be enough to contemplate for the day.
Is there anything better than being next to God?
Why do I stray when it is so good to be in the shadow of His purpose?
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you......
read the rest for yourselves.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Food for thought
Isn't anyone ever going to post a comment on my blog? What's da matter wid me....
I was actually thinking yesterday how utterly boring this place has been since I got started. When I compare it to other blogs I just come up feeling.....lesser. So, how to spice things up. Hmmm. Personal information seems to get that job done. But how to share without putting family in jeopardy. With recent events being as they are I am a little gunshy about talking about anyone I love. I am, of course, referring to that nutjob that killed the woman for her baby. How do we discuss matters of cyber importance without divulging important facts?
I know, let's talk about strange food combinations! I love peanuts stuffed into the top of an 8 oz. bottle of coke. O.k., now it's your turn.
I was actually thinking yesterday how utterly boring this place has been since I got started. When I compare it to other blogs I just come up feeling.....lesser. So, how to spice things up. Hmmm. Personal information seems to get that job done. But how to share without putting family in jeopardy. With recent events being as they are I am a little gunshy about talking about anyone I love. I am, of course, referring to that nutjob that killed the woman for her baby. How do we discuss matters of cyber importance without divulging important facts?
I know, let's talk about strange food combinations! I love peanuts stuffed into the top of an 8 oz. bottle of coke. O.k., now it's your turn.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Big Trouble in Little Blogland
Whoa, folks. It is getting deep up in here. My oh my. Where do I begin? I have some favorite blogs that I read daily. Now, they're favorites because they are so controversial. They're controversial because they are truthful. One of the best radio commentators always starts off his show with "You shall hear the truth, and the truth shall make you mad!". There are a lot of mad people out there right now. And not afraid to spew that stuff around for all of the internet to see. Curse words, inciteful phrases, generalizations, they all abound. Now the hosts don't seem to mind too much. Maybe their skin is thicker than mine. Maybe it's all just funny. But I don't get off on all the ugliness. Let's keep it clean, shall we, ladies?
Monday, February 28, 2005
Red diaper doper babies
Hollywood is liberal. I know. I haven't said anything that you don't already know out there. What is up with this? I refuse to believe that all artists are somehow attracted to social programs out of the goodness of their hearts. I guess I just don't get it. I watched a bit of the Oscars last night. The only people who didn't laugh at Chris Rock's Bush jokes were the old fogeys like Mickey Rooney. Not that anything that Chris Rock said offended me. God forbid I be, OFFENDED. That is a truely leftist word. But I often wonder, why? Why is Sean Penn a nut? Jane Fonda, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, Richard Gere? Just to name a paltry few. Maybe it's because they are handled by agents and studios. Because most of the time people who don't strike out and work for themselves have no idea of the amount of money that government steals from us. That must be it. Anybody got any insight on this?
Sunday, February 27, 2005
old friends
Does anyone out there have a really old friend? I don't mean like an eighty year old (unless of course you are eighty) or something like that. I mean like a friend that you have known most of your life. I have such a friend. In fact, I have a few. But there is a difference between a friend that you have known all your life and one you have liked all your life. One you continue to choose to be friends with. One whose path seems so similar to your own. Or if not, that you just GET one another.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Yesterday's Oprah
I love Oprah. I should start right there because I am sure people out there would like to be informed before they read any further. She is awesome. I don't know why I love her, I just do. I guess that makes somewhat of a cliche. Married, domestic goddess, two point five kids and a hub and I sit down with laundry two to three times a week to watch Oprah. We affectionately call her Okra around here because when the oldest was youngest she called her that. We love okra, too.
So yesterday she has on these women that have made a huge turnaround in their frumpy lives. These women were incredible looking. They must work out daily for hours. As if. If looking like them means I would have to work out (shiver) an hour and a half a day then no way, hosea. I mean, Oprah looks great.....but even I know she has a fleet of staff to do her whole self up every day. I guess I'm trying to say that although I'm a little plump, I'm not a frump. And I think I'm as happy as the women she featured.
So women of the world who don't enjoy or do the excessive exercise thing, UNITE!
So yesterday she has on these women that have made a huge turnaround in their frumpy lives. These women were incredible looking. They must work out daily for hours. As if. If looking like them means I would have to work out (shiver) an hour and a half a day then no way, hosea. I mean, Oprah looks great.....but even I know she has a fleet of staff to do her whole self up every day. I guess I'm trying to say that although I'm a little plump, I'm not a frump. And I think I'm as happy as the women she featured.
So women of the world who don't enjoy or do the excessive exercise thing, UNITE!
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